Meat Free Monday One day a week can make a world of difference

After Brussels, a statement of intent from Paul, Pachauri and the European Parliament

Following a successful address to the European Parliament earlier this month, Paul McCartney has called on local and national governments to do more to combat the effects on the environment of industrialised farming practices, and urged people around the world to go meat-free for one day a week in order to reduce harmful emission and to halt climate change.

Posted : 11 December 2009

In it they called on EU governments and all those represented at the UN climate change negotiations currently underway in Copenhagen to “adjust their agriculture, development, environment and public health policies to reflect the role of livestock production in climate change.”

The statement continued: “We call on the local authorities and municipalities in Europe and worldwide to adopt the principle of a meat-free day for their employees. We call on people worldwide, but especially in the developed nations to change their diet to one meat-free day as the most effective way to combat global warming.”

Paul, Pachauri and McMillan-Scott, all vegetarians, noted that the Lisbon Treaty, which came into force on 1 December, gave the European Parliament and EU governments the responsibility of “promoting measures at international level to deal with regional or worldwide environmental problems, and in particular combating climate change” – and urged MEPs to lead by example by consuming less meat.

For more on Paul’s speech in Brussels and to watch footage of the day, click here

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