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High red meat consumption linked to kidney cancer

New research from the US suggests a strong link between red meat and certain types of kidney cancer, with middle-aged adults who consume large amounts almost a fifth more likely to develop the condition than those who consume little.

Posted : 6 January 2012

Researchers at the US National Cancer Institute concluded that carcinogenic chemicals that form in red meat during grilling or barbecuing also increase the risk of developing kidney cancer.

The study – published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition – tracked the dietary habits and meat consumption of almost half a million US adults over the age of 50. The men who took part ate an average of 57-85g of red meat a day and women 28-57g.

Less than half a per cent – 1,800 participants – developed kidney cancer over the course of the nine-year study, with those whose consumption was highest (113g per day) 19 per cent more likely to be diagnosed than those who consumption was below 28g per day. The conclusions of previous studies into the link had been mixed.

“Our findings support the dietary recommendations for cancer prevention currently put forth by the American Cancer Society,” said the report lead Carrie Daniel. “Limit intake of red and processed meats and prepare meat by cooking methods such as baking and broiling.”

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